Liability Legislative Decree 231
Dedicated Professionals
Reference sectors
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The Firm offers consultancy and assistance on the legal profiles connected to the design, implementation and maintenance of organizational models pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001, up to assistance to the Supervisory Body or direct assumption of the role of ODV and training activities and in particular:
- Analysis and mapping of corporate processes “at risk” of crime (risk assessment);
- Evaluation of the existing control system;
- Assistance in the preparation and updating of procedures and operational protocols to monitor company processes at risk of committing a crime;
- Assistance in drafting, implementing and updating the Organizational Model pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001, as well as in defining an internal disciplinary and sanctioning system;
- Assistance in drafting and updating the Code of Ethics and the Code of Conduct and/or Behavior;
- Assistance in drafting, implementing and updating whistleblowing procedures/policies;
- Consulting and assistance in defining and implementing the system of corporate delegations and powers of attorney, including in matters of health and safety protection in the workplace in compliance with the requirements set out in Legislative Decree 81/2008;
- Advice and assistance in drafting minutes and reports for company management;
- Training interventions on the liability of entities pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/01
- Taking on roles as a member of the Supervisory Body provided for by Legislative Decree 231/01, both as a single member and as a collegiate body.