Law 172/2023: Italy cracks down on synthetic foods and misleading plant-based labels

After a long debate on the bill (DDL S.651), both the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate approved law no. 172 of 1 December 2023 (“law 172/2023“) which imposes the prohibition of production and sale of synthetic foods and theuse of meat and fish terms for plant products.

Law 172/2023 is a technical regulation, notified by Italy in the TRIS system. The regulation, as explained in the explanatory report, is adopted pursuant to art. 7 of Reg. 178/2002, therefore, based on the "precautionary principle”. The question arises as to whether there are sufficient reasons for this adoption or whether it could be a restrictive measure on the competitiveness of the national market.

In a recent article published on Chambers and PartnersLaura Carrara examines the legislation, highlighting thescope of application of the new provisions, the Motivations which led to the introduction of such bans and the possible sanctions for those who violate these rules.

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