Anna Carabelli is an expert in contentious and non-contentious intellectual property matters (including patents, trademarks, design, and other relevant signs).
Furthermore, she advises domestic and international clients on advertising, business and communications practices, industrial cooperation, technology transfer and unfair competition. She has also gained extensive knowledge of international contracts and know-how protection instruments.
She graduated from University of Milan in 1982. She attended in 1983 the international law program of City of London Polytechnic, and in 1985 studied comparative corporate and commercial law at McGeorge School of Law at Salzburg, Austria.
In 1998 he participated in the training course on Domain Name Dispute Resolution Procedures (WIPO Training Program on Domain Name Dispute Resolution Procedures) organized by the WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center.
She has been a member of the Italian Bar Association since 1985 and he was admitted to practice before the Italian Supreme Court in 2002. She has a considerable experience in managing arbitration proceedings.
She is author of many pubblications and articles.
- International Intellectual Property Law – European Jurisdictions, co-autrice della sezione sul diritto italiano, Wiley, 1995
- Copyright Infringement, co-autrice della sezione sul diritto italiano, Kluwer Law International, 1997
- L’equo compenso a favore degli autori e degli attori delle opere cinematografiche: determinazione dell’ammontare e procedure di riscossione, in Cinema e Internet, Atti del Seminario Mifed del 20 ottobre 1999, a cura di AGICA, Fiera Milano, 2000
- International Intellectual Property Law: Commentaries and Legislation – Italy, a cura del Center for International Legal Studies di Salisburgo (Austria): Commentario alla Legge sul Diritto d’Autore italiana Oceana Publications, 2001 -co-auttrice
- L’impatto delle regole di concorrenza comunitarie sulla circolazione e distribuzione di programmi televisivi, in La diffusione via satellite delle opere cinematografiche, Atti del Seminario Mifed del 31 ottobre 2000, a cura di AGICA, Fiera Milano, 2001
- BIG DATA: PRIVACY, GESTIONE, TUTELE, collana MeTODO di Altalex, ed. Wolters Kluwer, 2018 –autrice del capitolo “Dati del settore pubblico e Big Data: il Public Sector Information (PSI) come archetipo del mercato dei dati”.
She was a lecturer in the post-graduate IP course for lawyers powered by Just Legal Services – School of Legal Education.
She is member of the WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center Panel of Neutrals in connection with Domain Name Dispute Resolution and of the Association of Fellows and Legal Scholars.
She is fluent in English.