Valerio Maria Pennetta

Attorney Valerio Maria Pennetta deals with commercial, banking and financial law, both in extrajudicial and judicial fields.

He graduated in October 2018, with honors, from the University of Salento, discussing a thesis in Commercial Law entitled “ Big Data and intellectual property ”.

In 2019 he obtained a master's degree in Corporate Law from Just Legal Services.

In 2024 he attended the post-graduate specialization course in “Banking Law” at the University of Verona.

He is a member of the Editorial Board of the journal Diritto del Risparmio (ISSN 2704-6184), as well as a lecturer in Bank Financing Contracts at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart and a lecturer in Commercial Law at the University of Brescia.

He is a PhD student in Business & Law at the University of Brescia.

He has been qualified to practice law since 2021 and has been registered with the Milan Bar Association since January 2022.

He speaks English.

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